1957 The growers of the region decide to group together.
1958 First project of construction of the winery produced by the engineer D.ángel Arruega Astiazarán.
1961 The Virgen de las Viñas Cooperative Society is founded.
Construction of the winery and election of the first meeting.
1964 Elaboration of the first wine.
1965 The production capacity of the winery is doubled.
1980 First production of red wine named Tierra Aranda.
1982 D.O. Ribera del Duero.
The winery is one of the first to join.
2001 The international recognition of our wines begins.
2002 Construction of the bottling train and a new warehouse for aging.
2005 Air conditioning of the entire winery.
2010 The Pago de Breda and Avantum brands are born to complete the three we distribute: Tierra Aranda, Viña Hijosa and Vega Valerio.
2012 50th anniversary of the winery.
2014 New scale, new pickers for grape reception, hydraulic line for conveying the paste to the tanks, dechlorinator, cold equipment.
2018 Tangential filter, conditioning of old colanders.
Construction of a meeting room and a room for storing the wine product.
2019 – New laboratory
The winery originates from the union of the growers in the region.
It was not until the middle of the century when the need arose for a joint project that materialized with the winery’s first construction project.
Over time, new wine production techniques have been progressively incorporated.
Since then, the effort and commitment to our wines have written the history of Tierra Aranda winery to this day.
Since 1961

We expect you all
You can find us in Aranda de Duero, the best place to learn and enjoy wine, its history and our culture.
From here, our wines travel throughout Spain.
C/ San Francisco, 74
Aranda de Duero
+34 947 501 311
+34 669 449 336

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